D. Linos president of the International Association of Endocrine Surgeons
Good News

D. Linos president of the International Association of Endocrine Surgeons

Professor Dimitrios A. Linos of Athens, Greece has been recommended to serve as President of the IAES from 2015-2017.  Dr. Linos has made numerous contributions to the IAES and has demonstrated his leadership through extensive international collaborations.

The International Association of Endocrine Surgeons was founded in 1979 in San Francisco as an organization of surgeons with a particular interest in endocrine surgery. The mission of the organization is to work for endocrine surgery world wide, and to provide a forum for exchange of views by those who are involved in expanding the frontiers of endocrine surgery, rather than for the surgeon who occasionally operates on the thyroid or adrenal gland.

Professor Dimitrios Linos is an American Board Certified general surgeon specialized in endocrine and laparoscopic surgery, oncology surgery, as well as breast and bariatric surgery.

After graduating from Athens Medical School in 1975, he continued with his postgraduate training in U.S.A. from 1975 to 1981, as a research and clinical fellow at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, and as a resident at the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine and Mayo Clinic. In 1981, Professor Linos was appointed Assistant Professor of Surgery at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio and also member of the surgical staff at the Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital. In 1984, he returned to Greece as Lecturer in Surgery.

Since 1994, Professor Linos holds the title of Associate Professor of Surgery at the Athens Medical School and the position of Director of the 1st Surgical Clinic at “HYGEIA” Hospital. In 1994, he was also appointed Adjunct Professor at the Michigan State University. In 1998, he became Lecturer at Harvard Medical School and in 2000 was appointed Consultant in Surgery at the Massachusetts General Hospital.

Professor Linos is the author of more than 100 original scientific articles. He has contributed more than 20 chapters to Greek and international surgical manuals, authored two Greek surgical books (monographs), and was the editor of a surgical textbook on adrenal surgery along with Professor Jon van Heerden of Mayo Clinic.

An active member of numerous international scientific associations both, Professor Linos has also served as President and member of various Committees. Among others, he is Co-chair of the Committee of International Relations for the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), as well as member of the corresponding committee of the American College of Surgeons (ACS).

Professor Linos was born on June 17 1951. He is married with Dr. Athena Linos, Associate Professor of Epidemiology at Athens Medical School.


  Comments: 1

  1. Γιουλη Καρουσακη

    Το 1996 ο Καθηγητής Κύριος Λινός με λαπαροσκόπηση μου αφαίρεσε την χολή μου. Πήρα εξιτήριο την άλλη μέρα και δεν είχα κανένα σημάδι στο σώμα μου. Έψαχνα να βρω τις δύο τρυπίτσες δεξιά του σώματός μου αλλά δεν φαινόταν τίποτα. Ποτέ δεν με πόνεσε η εγχείρηση , ποτέ δεν είχα κανένα πρόβλημα !! και αναφέρομαι τι συνέβη 21 χρόνια πριν!!!. Τον θαυμάζω απεριόριστα, γνωρίζω πολλούς που του έχουν εμπιστευτεί την ζωή τους ( κυριολεκτικά). Τον χαρακτηρίζει το ήθος και η άριστη επιστημονική κατάρτιση. Όταν ένας γιατρός συνεχώς ”ψάχνεται” και πασχίζει να την βελτίωση του ασθενούς του με όποια πιο σύγχρονη μέθοδο διαθέτει η επιστήμη ,έχει κερδίσει την εμπιστοσύνη του ασθενούς που είναι το βασικότερο στοιχείο για την θεραπεία του, σύμφωνα με τα επικρατέστερα models της σχέσης physician – patient κατά το Health Phychology.
    Ο Θεός να τον έχει καλά για να προσφέρει υγεία στον κόσμο που τον έχει ανάγκη.