The “golden” hands of pediatric cardiac surgery
He has been characterized as the modern missionary of Medicine and not unfairly. He is not just interested in titles or offices. He was a disciple of Alain Karpentie and Magktni Yaqub, whom he followed closely. Afksentiyos Kalangos is holding the leading position in the Department of Cardiac surgery of the University Hospital of Geneva. All the above do not matter more than the 15.000 surgeries over the last decade to poor children.
In 1998, Afksentiyos Kalangos founded the charity institution «Coeurs pour tous» (Hearts for All), and since then he is surrounded by a group of surgeons with common ideals, offering valuable medical services to people in need around the world.
He graduated in 1984 at the age 23, from the American Medical Faculty of Istanbul, he specialized himself in surgery in London and then he spent five additional years of study in order to be devoted to heart surgery for children and babies in Paris and in the U.S. Eventually he became a professor at the University of Geneva at his early 40s.
He loves the smell of cinnamon and he always has a bottle of it in his office. He says that cinnamon regenerates him, but it also reminds him of the place of his origin Constantinople.
As a son of a doctor, his father was a physician, head physician of the pediatric hospital in Istanbul Baloukli, he followed his father’s words, to make his life’s goal the works and not the money. It’s no wonder that a road to Istanbul has been named after his father, who died in 2004, having completed 65 years of devotion to patients. “A man, who could cure any disease” as the Turks say even today!
As a son of a doctor, his father was a physician, head physician of the pediatric hospital in Istanbul Baloukli, he followed his father’s words, to make his life’s goal the works and not the money. It’s no wonder that a road to Istanbul has been named after his father, who died in 2004, having completed 65 years of devotion to patients. “A man, who could cure any disease” as the Turks say even today!
-28/01/2016 10:54 am
Επιτέλους και μία καλή είδηση, ο πραγματικός ΕΛΛΗΝΑΣ, μεγαλομένος με διαχρονικές αξίες και ιδανικά. Μπράβο του ας είναι καλά και να μας κάνει περήφανους ως Έλληνες!!!!
-11/10/2016 9:20 am
-05/02/2017 1:30 pm
Κώστας Μπενετος
-12/01/2018 8:58 am
Ευχομεθα εις Τον ΚΥΡΙΟΝ ΙΗΣΟΥ ΧΡΙΣΤΟ να τον έχει πάντα καλά
-14/01/2018 8:54 pm
Σπάνιο είδος Ιατρού, πολλά συγχαρητήρια να τον έχει ο Θεός καλά να συνεχίζει το έργο του & τον όρκο που έδωσε πολλά συγχαρητήρια!!!! Μακάρι να είναι παράδειγμα για πολλούς…πολλά μπράβο, ΑΞΙΟΣ!!!!!
Κωνσταντίνος Σοκοριδας. Κυβερνήτης αεροσκαφών πολιτικής Αεροποριας
-03/04/2020 4:26 pm
Άξιος συγχητηριων και Επαινων Χχχ
Φωτεινή Καλλιανιωτη
-05/04/2021 11:27 pm
Όλος ο πλανήτης αναγνωρίζει και υποκλίνεται στον Αυξεντιο Καλαγκο, Ελπίζω το Ελληνικό Κράτος αναγνωριζοντας έστω και καθυστερημμένα την παγκόσμια αξία του σύντομα να του αναθέσει την Διεύθυνση ενός Παιδοκαρδιοχειρουργικου Νοσοκομείου και να τον αφήσει ελεύθερο να επιλέξει άξιους επιστήμονες τους οποίους θα εκπαιδεύσει και θα είναι οι συνεχιστές του. Αυτή τη σκέψη _πρόταση πριν λίγες εβδομάδες την γνωστοποίησα στον κ Κικιλια και του ζήτησα να το υλοποιήσει με την υπευθυνότητα του Υπουργού και την ευαισθησία του πατέρα.