Leading authority on the evaluation of diagnostic and screening tests
Constantine A. Gatsonis is the Henry Ledyard Goddard University Professor of Biostatistics. He is the founding Director of the Center for Statistical Scientists at Brown University and the founding Chair of the Department of Biostatistics.
He was educated at Princeton and Cornell and joined the Brown faculty in 1995 as the founding Director of the Center for Statistical Sciences. Dr. Gatsonis is a leading authority on the evaluation of diagnostic and screening tests, and has made major contributions to the development of methods for medical technology assessment and health services and outcomes research. He is a world leader in methods for applying and synthesizing evidence on diagnostic tests in medicine and is currently developing methods for Comparative Effectiveness Research in diagnosis and prediction and radiomics.
Dr Gatsonis was Network Statistician of the American College of Radiology Imaging Network (ACRIN) since the formation of the Network in 1999. The Center for Statistical Sciences at Brown operates the Biostatistics Center of ACRIN under his direction. He is the lead statistician for several current and past trials, including the Digital Mammography Imaging Screening Trial (DMIST), the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST), and the newly launched Tomosynthesis Mammography Imaging Trial (TMIST).
Dr Gatsonis has contributed extensively to statistical methods for the evaluation of diagnostic tests and biomarkers. He has published on methodology for ROC analysis for detection and prediction and on broader issues of study design in diagnostic test and imaging biomarker evaluation and validation. Dr Gatsonis has long-term involvement in the development of Bayesian statistical methods for problems in biomedical research. He developed and applied hierarchical regression models to the analysis variations in utilization, outcomes, and quality of health care, meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies, and the variability in diagnostic performance among radiologists and institutions.
Dr Gatsonis chaired the Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics of the National Academies and is a member of the Committee on National Statistics and the Committee on Reproducibility and Replicability in Science. Since 2016 Dr Garsonis is a statistical consultant for the New England Journal of Medicine. He was the Founding Editor-in-Chief of Health Services and Outcomes Research Methods, and currently serves as Associate Editor of the Annals of Applied Statistics and Academic Radiology. Dr. Gatsonis was elected fellow of the American Statistical Association and received a Long-Term Excellence Award from the Health Policy Statistics Section of the ASA.