Επικεφαλής σε μια από τις κορυφαίες εταιρείες βιοτεχνολογίας
Έργα Ελλήνων

Επικεφαλής σε μια από τις κορυφαίες εταιρείες βιοτεχνολογίας

O Μισέλ Βουνάτσος είναι ο Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Biogen Inc. Έχει διατελέσει Εκτελεστικός Αντιπρόεδρος και Γενικός Εμπορικός Διευθυντής της Biogen Inc. Διαδέχεται στη συγκεκριμένη θέση, τον ελληνικής καταγωγής Γιώργο Σκάνγκο, ο οποίος ήταν επικεφαλής από το 2010 και είχε ανακοινώσει ότι θα αποχωρούσε μόλις έβρισκαν τον κατάλληλο άνθρωπο για τη θέση.

Η Biogen είναι μια πρωτοπόρος φαρμακευτική εταιρεία, το φάρμακο Spinraza της εταιρείας, εγκρίθηκε από τον Οργανισμό Τροφίμων και Φαρμάκων των ΗΠΑ (FDA) και είναι το πρώτο εγκεκριμένο φάρμακο για τη θεραπεία παιδιών και ενηλίκων με Νωτιαία Μυϊκή Ατροφία. Η Biogen επίσης, έχει επενδύσει σημαντικά κεφάλαια σε κλινικές δοκιμές του aducanumab, του πρώτου φαρμάκου για το Αλτσχάιμερ.

O Μισέλ Βουνάτσος γεννήθηκε και μεγάλωσε στο Μαρόκο, ενώ η καταγωγή του είναι από την Ελλάδα. Είναι ένας παγκόσμιος ηγέτης επιχειρήσεων που έχει ιστορικό στην εμπορική επιτυχία και τη δημιουργικότητα. Εντάχθηκε στη Biogen το 2016 ως Εκτελεστικός Αντιπρόεδρος και Γενικός Εμπορικός Διευθυντής μετά από 20 χρόνια καριέρας στην εταιρεία Merck, όπου κατείχε ηγετικές θέσεις αυξημένης ευθύνης στην Ευρώπη, την Κίνα και τις ΗΠΑ σημειώνοντας σημαντική και συνεχή ανάπτυξη σε πολλές περιοχές.

Πιο πρόσφατα, διετέλεσε Πρόεδρος των Primary Care Business Line και Merck Customer Centricity διοικώντας την παγκόσμια επιχειρηματική μονάδα πρωτοβάθμιας φροντίδας υγείας της Merck, ενώ ανέπτυξε και καθιέρωσε ένα στρατηγικό πλαίσιο για την ενίσχυση των σχέσεων της εταιρείας με παρόχους, πληρωτές και καταστήματα λιανικής πώλησης, αλλά και κυβερνητικούς οργανισμούς σε όλο τον κόσμο. Νωρίτερα στην καριέρα του, κατείχε διευθυντικές θέσεις στην εταιρεία Ciba-Geigy.

Πήρε το C.S.C.T. πτυχίο του στην Ιατρική από το Université de Bordeaux, στη Γαλλία, και το Μ.Β.Α. (Master in Business Administration) μεταπτυχιακό του από το HEC School of Management στο Παρίσι.


  Σχόλια: 1

  1. Yannis Kompopoulos

    BIOGEN’s CEO Honorable Michael Vounatsos, invited to Cooperate in the below defined COVID-19 illness extermination, by purifying Greek Aegean & Mediterranean Seas fom SARS-CoV-2-Coronavirus , capitalizing on below ULiege Covid-19 computerized testing system performing 2.000 tests per day, to be acquired by the Greek Sewage water Research Center, funded by EIB 40Bill Eur, contribution for CORONAVIRUS extermination from Greek & EU Sewage Waters in Cooperatiomn & Synergy with BIOGEN
    As an old ULiege Graduated Engineer, I am pleased & honored to invite ULiege Medical Faculty in joining the Group of selected & skilled Medical Researchers , leveraged in potential Partners-Participants of the Greek Sewage Water Research Center (SWRC), to be equipped, with the state-of-the-art ULiege COVID-19 Computerized Medical Automatic Testing System,( attached PDF),performing 2.000 tests/day, acquired by the Greek SWRC, funded by Coronavirus crisis response of EIB Group up to 40Bn Eur.
    The acquired ULiege COVID-19 Computerized Medical Tests System, developed by Researchers of ULiege, performs two thousands Test/ of detecting SARS-CoV-2 Coronovirus per day, has been selected by omnis-ellas, to be used as a fundamental SARS-CoV-2-Coronavirus’ early Detection system, used for testing/Detecting SARS-CoV-2-Coronavirus’contamination of Greek seafarers bodies, before their sailing in open seas & in detecting existence of SARS-CoV-2-Coronavirus in domestic & public Sewage Waters, preluding COVID-19 massive infections, of individual patients & refugees & immigrants, hosted in Greece, as well in Romas’/Gipsies’habitats & other densely populated Municipalities, in Greece & in neighboring Balkan Countries, detecting early infected patients, by COVID-19 illness, even without any conventional symptoms of the COVID-19 illness.( confirmed by declarations of the Chinese Researchers & of the Dutch KWR )
    ULiege COVID-19 shall be acquired by omnis-ellas, used by SWRC & shall be proposed by omnis-ellas, for being funded by EIB’s Capital of 40Bill Eur displayed below, in coherence with EIB’s statement Up to €40 billion in assistance The European Investment Bank is working with the European Commission and EU countries to give loans to struggling businesses, help healthcare centres build emergency infrastructure and encourage biotech and pharmaceutical firms to develop vaccines and treatments.
    Prior of a formal Agreement with ULiege (University of Liege-Belgium), for the acquisition of the ULiege COVID-19 Testing system, to be used by the Greek SWRC Researchers’ after being trained & familiarized with the ULiege COVID-19 Testing system, shall be proposed for funding by EIB’s Capital of 40Bill Eur displayed bellow, in coherence with EIB’s 40Bill. below analytical exposure.
    The Greek SWRC shall perform thousands of COVID-19 Medical Tests, for detecting SARS-CoV-2-Coronovirus incubation, on the way to infect patients, necessitating imminent hospitalization & appropriate drugs’ treatment, in absolute absence of COVID-19 disease normal symptoms’ appearance (cough-difficulty of breath-fever-diarrhea-loss of taste & smell).
    The foundation of the Greek SWRC equipped with ULiegeCOVID-19 performing Medical RTD Research work, shall perform detection of SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus’ infection, in an early stage of SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus incubation, capitalizing on SWRS’ tests, for combatting the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus’ infections, enhancing substantially the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus’ extermination, capitalizing on the SWRC’ Research outcomes, found in tested by ULiege COVID-19 Sewage Water Testing System, enabling Medical Services Centers, in predicting COVID-19 illness spread in human beings, prior of any COVID-19 disease’s normal symptoms, initiating medical intervention in an early stage of COVID-19 incubation, enhancing the chances of complete COVID-19 cure & illness disappearance.
    The SWRC shall be used, as well, for testing ALL Greek sailors’ seafarers health condition, including as well, ALL Greek Army’s anti-COVID-19 Defense Program, in cooperation & synergy with Greek competent Sewage Water Technology scientists, in coherence with EIB’s Spec:The European Investment Bank is working with the European Commission and EU countries to give loans to struggling businesses, help healthcare centres build emergency infrastructure for combatting SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus, saving lives world-wide.

    (1).Breaking News, SARS-Cov-2 Coronavirus is also detectable in city Sewage Water, by performing a prompt Research effort, for to detecting the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus in the selected Greek city’s Sewage Waters, containing also human urine & fecal samples & swabs, collected from patients infected by COVID-19 illness , even before the infected patients have shown proofs COVID-19 illness, as formally declared by the below identified Chinese Researchers Group led by Dr. Liang Peng, & by the Dutch KWR Water Research Institute according the distinguished Chinese & Dutch Researchers’ discoveries : CITY’S SEWAGE WATERS’ SURVEILLANCE COULD PREDICT COVID-19 CONTAMINATION IN EARLY STAGES,(PRIOR of COVID-19 SYMPTOMS!!)

    The Chinese Researchers work, performed by the specialized team, led by Dr. Liang Peng, a prominent microbiologist, with more than 20 peer renewed studies, published in numerous medical journals, used quantitative real-time polymeras chain reaction (q RT-PRC) to test for the presence of the SARS-Cov-2 nucleic acids in all urine samples of the 9 patients under study, have reached the validated conclusions of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus in ALL urine samples, before the patients illness’ normal symptoms (these findings have being recently confirmed by the acknowledged Dutch KWR Water Research Institute in Nieuegen ,www.kwrwater.nl, invited to Partner )

    Dr Liang Peng’s Research work, showed that none of the patients exhibited any signs of urine irritations and all 9 patients were in various stages of the COVID-19 illness with the majority in the initial stage of infection based on clinical assessment.
    Doctors from three hospitals in Shanghai confirmed the presence of new SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus in all urine samples, taken from infected patients, including Huashan Hospital and Shanghai Jiaotong University Hospital.
    These findings have enormous implications as they could be explored in diagnostics and also could have bearings on transmission as well, including also Public toilets & spreading COVID-19 illness in Maritime & Shipping & Tourist sector, to be part of the RTD Project proposed for being funded by EIB.

    Dr. Peng told recently to Thailand Medical News via phone interview: “It is surprising that simple and common body fluid sample was not focused of just because of the findings from two initial studies done in Wuhan during the initial chaotic stages. We hope that more studies would be focused on this and using it as a further diagnostic requirements and also to study possible effects on transmission for further updating of the Chinese Research work, keep logging on Thailand Medical News.”

    An additional group of Chinese Researchers, from three Chinese Universities’ Research Institutions are currently pursuing detailed studies on this, for more SARS-CoV-2 Coronovirus Research & Covid-19 illness’ Research work, for complementing their Research work, to be further communicated to the Greek SWRC.

    (2). EIB Group’s Coronavirus crisis response, with up to 40 Billions Euros, for funding the SWRC Research work, for fighting SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus, leveraged by distinguished EU RTD Medical Research Institutes, capitalizing on performed already RTD efforts by acknowledged International Medical Researchers, named in the present text & additional complementary EU Medical Research work, performed in synergy with other International Medical RTD Centers, invited SWRC, to fight the COVID-19 disease financed by EIB & by private investors.

    In the anticipation of your/ULiege feed-back & your/ULiege reply in Partnering in SWRC equipped with ULiege COVID-19, we remain

    Trustfully yours,

    Yannis Kompopoulos
    Dipl. El. Eng. AILg. – AIM ULiege (Univ. of Liege Belgium)
    phone +30 22910 40566
    mobile: +30 6999600400