Aiming at the return of the Greek Diaspora to its home country’s labor market
The “ReΒrain Greece – The Technological Transformation of the Labor Market” initiative, created and developed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, in particular by the Directorate-General for Labor Relations Konstantinos Agrapidas, with the help of executives from public agencies, universities and research institutes, presented today at an event at the “Ledra Marriott” hotel.
At the 1st ReΒrain Greece conference, welcomed by Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Yiannis Vroutsis, the dimensions of the contemporary social phenomenon of “Brain Drain”, the great challenge for the country of returning new graduates to Greece, were analyzed in detail the labor market, as well as the goals and actions that will be developed through Rebrain Greece to repatriate Diaspora Greeks seeking employment and better conditions in foreign countries.
Mr. Vroutsis presented the four major actions of “Rebrain Greece”, which are:
- Action “Greece Again” with the pilot program of the repatriation of 500 Greeks of high qualifications and scientific experience, aged 28-40, with the participation of Greeks companies through their financing (70%) and with a minimum monthly fee of € 3,000 with a commitment to work for another 12 months in the business.
- Establishment of a ReΒrain Greece body in the form of a Non-profit Legal Entity Private Law, providing technical assistance and consulting in the areas of labor market monitoring and analysis and active policy planning.
- Development of a platform “ReBrain Greece CoLab”, which will create a digital register of Greeks abroad and incorporate data on the needs of Greek businesses.
- 1st Intelligent Labor Market Policy Action Plan, which will include smart actions on targeted labor market policies, utilizing modern data visualization technologies and the principles of collective intelligence.
Subsequently, within the conference modules, the actions of the “ReBrain Greece” initiative were elaborated and public discourse changed to the current context of the labor market with artificial intelligence, machine learning and automation, manufacturing ( Economics, Health, Agriculture, Livestock etc.) which are horizontally affected by the introduction of new technologies, targeted digital skills development actions and actions for unemployed women.
The conference was also attended by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ adviser, George Kremlis, who greeted on his behalf the “ReBrain Greece” initiative, ND MP Konstantinos Kyranakis, the Secretary General of the Greek Ministry of Labor, Anna Katerinis. Gender and Gender Equality Maria Syreggela, the OAED commander Spyros Protopsaltis, the dean of the National Technical University of Athens Andreas Boudouvis and the president and CEO of OLTH Sotiris Theofanis.