Law School of Athens University won the first place
Good News

Law School of Athens University won the first place

The team of undergraduate students of the Law School of Athens University won the first place in the World Tour of international university competition Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot 2015 (FDI Moot) in London.

The team of Law students surpassed universities, among others, as the Harvard University, the Georgetown University, the King’s College London, the University of Hong Kong, the University of Buenos Aires, the University of Ottawa, the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, the Lomonosov State University of Moscow, the National Law School of India University (Bangalore), the University of Helsinki and the University of Oslo (PluriCourts).

The virtual international investment arbitration contest FDI Moot is about the constantly evolving international law to protect foreign investment and a simulation of arbitration of international investment disputes settlement procedure. Held every year under the auspices of the Centre for International Studies (Salzburg, Austria), the law schools of the universities of Suffolk (Boston, Massachusetts), and Pepperdine (Malibu, California), the German Institution of Arbitration (DIS), (Frankfurt / Cologne, Germany), and the Centre of European Law of the University of King’s College London. Each participating student group should support writing (memorials) and orally (with formal speech) so the part of the applicant foreign investor, and the respondent recourse host of investment in an unreal case before a panel of experts international arbitration.

In this year’s competition FDI Moot 83 universities  from around the world attended.


  Comments: 1

  1. Bravo à tous ces brillants étudiants qui honorent non seulement la GRÈCE mais aussi son intégration légitime dans une Europe ou le droit Européen est une clef fondamentale pour son fonctionnement équitable. Encore BRAVO.