The Times disarmed by the charm of Milos
The Times clame to be «Disarmed by the charm of the Greek island of Milos», accornding to their article.The island is famous for the statue of Aphrodite, the «Venus de Milo», now in the Louvre, and also for statues of the Greek god Asclepius (now in the British Museum),of Poseidon and Apollo.
Read below what the journalist states:
Milos is hidden away among gnarled olive trees, wild flowers and undergrowth on a hillside overlooking the Aegean Sea is a marble plaque. Only when reading the French translation do I realise what I am looking at. This overgrown corner of a little-known Cycladic island was the original home of the most famous Ancient Greek statue in the world. Here the armless white marble goddess, the Venus de Milo, was found.
Source: The Times