Ιδιοκτήτες 100 εστιατορίων σε 7 πολιτείες των ΗΠΑ
Ο Χριστόφορος και Χάρης Παππάς είναι οι ιδρυτές και ιδιοκτήτες της εταιρείας Pappas Restaurants, που αριθμεί πάνω από 100 εστιατόρια σε 7 πολιτείες των ΗΠΑ.
Ο Κρίς είναι ο CEO της επιχείρησης, ενώ ο αδερφός του Χάρης είναι ο Πρόεδρος.
Η εταιρεία έχει συμπεριληφθεί στη λίστα με τις 100 Κορυφαίες επιχειρήσεις για το 2010 καταλαμβάνοντας την 70η θέση. Επίσης, απέκτησαν πλειοψηφικό πακέτο της γνωστής αλυσίδας εστιατορίων Luby’s. Σε αυτή την εταιρεία ο Κρίς είναι πρόεδρος και ο Χάρης διευθύνων σύμβουλος.
Ο πατέρας τους Jim και ο παππούς τους έφτασαν στην Αμερική το 1897 και δημιούργησαν ένα εστιατόριο με επιτυχία. Όμως και οι δύο συμβούλεψαν τους 2 νέους να μείνουν μακριά από τα εστιατόρια, λόγω των δυσκολιών του επαγγέλματος. Τα αδέρφια στην αρχή ακολούθησαν την συμβουλή τους, αλλά το οικογενειακό «μικρόβιο» υπήρχε και τελικά υπερίσχυσε.
Ο Χάρης σπούδασε Οικονομικά στο Πανεπιστήμιο Texas A&M και έπειτα κατατάχθηκε στον στρατό, υπηρετώντας σε Ταϊλάνδη και Βιετνάμ. Ο Κρις σπούδασε Μηχανολόγος στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Texas και εργάστηκε στην IBM.
Σύντομα όμως, ο Χάρης άρχισε να διευθύνει τον εστιατόριο του πατέρα του, το Dot Coffee Shop και λίγο αργότερα τον ακολούθησε και ο Κρις.
Ο Κρίς και ο Χάρης άνοιξαν το πρώτο εστιατόριο τους το 1976, το ονόμασαν Strawberry Patch. Έκτοτε, άνοιξαν πάνω από 100 εστιατόρια διατηρώντας πάντα την υψηλή ποιότητα στο φαγητό τους. Με 9 διαφορετικά brands, μπορούν να προσφέρουν κάτι διαφορετικό καλύπτοντας σχεδόν όλα τα γούστα.
Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen, Pappasito’s Cantina, Pappas Bros. Steakhouse, Pappas Seafood House, Pappas Bar-B-Q, Pappas Burger και Yia Yia Mary’s Greek Kitchen είναι τα βασικά εστιατόρια καθένα από τα οποία εξειδικεύεται σε ένα είδος μαγειρικής και φυσικά υπάρχει catering και delivery.
Το εστιατόριο Yia Yia Mary’s, άνοιξε το 2005 και πήρε το όνομα του από την γιαγιά της οικογένειας Μαρία, μεταφέροντας της αυθεντικές ελληνικές της συνταγές.
Ruby Reneau
-13/03/2021 10:45 μμ
We have been in San Antonio since 1986, we are originally from Houston, all our family is still there as well as our boys and have had wonderful experiences at the original Pappadeaux in Houston/Kemah, Galveston and here in San Antonio.
On Friday, March 12th, my husband and I visited the Pappadeaux in San Antonio, the one located on 410. It started okay, they were not busy and a as we always do, we sat at the bar. We have never had a bad experience with the various bar staff as well as the flow of managers from the store.
We ordered our drinks, they did bring the bread, and we placed our order. My husband and I always split the Greek salad (asked for NO shrimp on the salad) and we each ordered our entree, he ordered the fried shrimp and I ordered the grilled salmon.
I have never been a racist, but on this trip, I have to tell you, there were four black women seated to our right at the bar. The female manager is black and she keep visiting, laughing and kidding around with them. There was a problem with one of their meals, not sure what happened. But, the manager talked with them for some time. We finished our salad, my husband’s shrimp was brought out and I was waiting for mine. Waiting…waiting…waiting….my husband ordered another drink…still waiting. Finally, after 20-30 minutes, my salmon order was brought out. I SPECIFICALLY TOLD THEM I did not want any shrimp on the dish, there was shrimp all over the salmon; it was taken back to the kitchen. I told the bar staff not to take the shrimp off and just bring me the same dish of salmon, I cannot have crustaceans; the black lady manager came out, she swaggered her way to us and asked if this was some “sort of allergy”, I said yes and told her again, not to bring me the same plated salmon they had just took back, she said no, they would not. She visited with the black ladies to our right again. After about 20-30 minutes, no salmon, my husband’s shrimp dish cold — I told the bar staff to cancel my order and bring the tab.
The bar staff did take the salmon off our bill and the fried shrimp was listed on the bill along with the drinks. I complained that my husband’s shrimp was cold because he was waiting on my order///a male manager did come to the bar and listened to my complaint, then deducted my husband’s order from the bill. We did pay for the drinks and the Greek salad. We never saw the black lady manager again.
All the years we have been to Pappadeaux, we have never been treated so poorly; disrespectful and treated like a wet mop; while the laughter and gentle treatment of the four black ladies were treated like royalty…disgusting!!! We normally would take our priest there after Mass, he was from New Orleans and would find pleasure eating there. NO longer….I know you will not miss our money, but we will no longer be patrons of Pappadeaux, we do not need to be treated like we do not exist because of our skin color, sorry, we are not black to be elevated to better treatment has now become part of the cancel culture. We wish you luck with this Pappadeaux restaurant, being one of your top money generating stores, will continue in society ….
Ruby Reneau
San Antonio, Texas
-31/03/2022 12:57 μμ
I’m attempting to type this, it’s difficult though, I have to keep stopping to pick my mouth off the floor. To fellow diner Ruby in San Antonio, where do I begin? Ma’am, you need to have your husband stop at Walmart on the way home. Go in and get yourself a big mirror. Then look at it long and hard. Your comment above is extremely racist. You give yourself away by your description of the female manager. Notice how you refer to her co-worker? You call him “the male manager” with no reference to his skin color. That priest you mentioned, you should show he or she (yes, there are female priests in some religions,) your comment. Perhaps they will be willing to help you. For your own sake and the sake of your family, coworkers and others, get some help. You are doomed if you continue down Racist Road. It’s a dead end.
Daphine moore-Devone
-19/04/2022 10:13 μμ
Visit your place in Alabama in 2022 and had a long wait. The wait was worth it. I live in Massachusetts and would love to see one hear. I will be your chief Loss Prevention, and I can promise you that we in the Beantown won’t let you down.