Peloponnesian honey: The Honey of Life

Peloponnesian honey: The Honey of Life

Mainalo is an enchanting mountain range, towering over Peloponnese, in the heart of Arcadia. Myths, legends, wonderful settlements and a vast forest make up this alluring landscape that exudes power and vitality.

Mainalo is home to the black fir, a distinct species in the fir family, with numerous pharmaceutical properties. These lofty trees form the exquisite Arcadian landscape, a true treasure-trove. These rare fir-trees produce Mainalo Vanilla Fir Honey; the only Greek honey with Protected Designation of Origin. It is a completely unique, natural product. Both its delicate flavour, as well as its low sugar content, has won people’s hearts. Its colour is rare, delicately iridescent, with light-coloured shades, reminiscent of pearl, caramel or vanilla.

This honey is not collected from flowers but from honeydew (resin) produced by certain microorganisms in the trunk of the black fir. Another of its unique features is that due to its low glucose content –less than 30% – it never crystallizes, even after many years. The production of this exquisite honey is very arduous and costly, as the honeycomb must be destroyed. For this reason the amount is very small and only a few local beekeepers devotedly and lovingly engage in it. The result, though, vindicates them.

Apart from the delicious flavour of Fir honey, it is an excellent source of essential trace elements, such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and also contains many vitamins. It is a true elixir for longevity and well-being, of great value to man. At the same time, the flavour of Mainalo honey has remained unchanged since deep antiquity, since the time when mystics and hermits inhabited Mainalo, their only allies the forces of nature.