The Greek Water Polo Youth Team became World Champion
The National Youth Water Polo Team of Greece was crowned World Champion in Kuwait on the 20th of December 2019, with our internationals defeating Serbia 6-4 in the final of the 20th World Championship and celebrating yet another gold medal in this category.
Source: ERT
Although the final was “closed” at the beginning with the defenses playing a leading role, the first goal of the match was scored six minutes after its start with Giouvetsis opening the scoring for our National team with a successful penalty execution. Shortly thereafter, Alafragis scored 2-0, which was the final score of the first period.
The representative group kept the lead thanks to their defense, as the Serbs had effectively blocked Papanastasiou and Giouvetsis, with Alafragis again increasing the score to 3-0.
After almost 15 minutes of play, Serbia scored and the half ended 3-1. The final became “livelier” when Cvetkovic took advantage of a sending off and reduced it to 2-3, 6΄57΄΄ before the end.
In the ensuing attack, however, Giouvetsis scored 4-2 with a perfect bomb, to follow a goal from Nicolaides with a flurry of action, which put the difference at three goals (5-2), 4-18 before the end.
👍 CONGRATULATIONS 🇬🇷 Greece !!! Winner of the FINA World Men’s Junior Water Polo Championships 2019 🥇 # WPJuniors19 #waterpolo pic.twitter.com/m9bQvhA0NM
& mdash; FINA (@ fina1908) December 20, 2019
Serbia, in their last effort, reduced to 5-4, but Kakaris’ goal sealed the Greek triumph.
The final of the 20th of December, 2019, was the 30th for the Greek water polo, from 1997 to this year in the top competitions, with Greece celebrating its 15th gold and having won another 15 silver ones, while still holding 25 bronze medals in 46 overall.
The Youth Team were European champions in 2018 and again World Champions in 2017, and today they have won the 55th medal overall in all age categories.