The ark of children’s artistic creation
The Children’s Art Gallery of Greece was founded in 2014 as a voluntary non-profit organization, which aims to encourage the artistic creation of children and to free their expression through their “mother language“, Art. Despite the existence of many art centers in the world, there is nowhere else an organization to exhibit children’s works, to constantly reward their efforts and to defend their initiative to create and express themselves.
The Children’s Art Gallery of Greece collaborates with a wide network of educational organizations and companies from the fields of education, artistic activity, participation in international cultural programs and social awareness. Its main objective, its purpose, is to provide every kind of service and support to children’s art in Greece, and around the world.
The Children’s Gallery of Greece has also set the goal of promoting, safeguarding and the artistic creation of the new generations of Greece. It also aims at instilling and understanding from the general public the idea that art is a “foundation stone“ in educating the new generation and shaping the personality of children.
The creation of supportive programs and networks to support artistic development, the organization and implementation of projects aiming at the promotion of art and the creation of supportive structures and collaborations, are central to the Children’s Art Gallery of Greece, in order to formulate and implement action plans and programs for children’s art. Children’s art acquires not only its own roof but also the organization – a driving force for stimulating artistic creation and providing a comprehensive cultural education for the young generation of our country.
For the Children’s Art Gallery of Greece, children are not just students, but also the creators and “architects“ of the future. Their creative expressions embody the nascent imagination, which will shape the future and is an important social capital, and their creations must be encouraged and be respected as masterpieces.
With creative experiences, children can acquire the skills to advance effectively in a complex world and develop innovative solutions for prosperity, progress and peace.
It is important that the services of the Children’s Art Gallery of Greece are offered regardless of the race, religion or ethnicity of their recipients and without any prejudice, while the priority is the children’s need for expression through art. The services of the Children’s Art Gallery of Greece are not available to promote any political or religious position.
On the occasion of the event “Athens 2018 World Book Capital” of the City of Athens, started in April 2018, and the year that Athens received this award by UNESCO, the Children Greece Gallery held a nationwide student painting contest entitled “Books and Children: Reading, Inspiration, Creation”.
Through communication with primary and secondary schools in our country, students were asked to create paintings on topics related to their favorite books, stories and heroes. The rationale behind the contest is that the magical world of the book unfolds in the eyes of the children. Browsing, reading each page is an opportunity for joy, knowledge and communication. Children become residents of a “microcosm” gigantic through play, contact with paper and pencil, the charm of reading. This experience brings small artists to their painting canvas and creates works that deal with the book and child relationship.
After the completion of the competition in February 2019, the project evaluation will follow and the selected ones will be exhibited in the main hall of the City of Athens, Piraeus & P. Rallis of Serafion, from 5th to 8th of April 2019.
The exhibition of the best drawings, realized with the support of the organization “Athens 2018 World Book Capital” of the City of Athens, a great sponsor of which is the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, will be accompanied by various activities such as storytelling, art workshops, choirs and theatrical events, focusing on the close and valuable relationship that children have with the book.