New distinction for the great Greek conductor
Teodor Currentzis has been awarded KAIROS Prize 2016. He received the KAIROS Prize at a special ceremony in the theatre Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg on 8 April 2016.
In awarding its 2016 prize to Teodor Currentzis, the committee is not only honouring an exceptional musician but also acknowledging the work of an artist who, transcending traditional boundaries in the arts, is uncompromising in his determination to resist the constraints to which today’s music business is subjected. The Greek conductor has won international acclaim for his radical reinterpretations of the works in his repertory, causing sensation after sensation in the staid world of classical music and impressing his audiences with his distinctive style, his devotion to music and his willingness to take artistic risks.
Named after the ancient Greek god of the “right moment,” the KAIROS Prize has been awarded to European artists and scientists in the fields of art, music, architecture, design, film, photography, literature and journalism since 2007. With its 75,000 euro ($85,275) cash prize, it is one of the most highly endowed cultural awards in Europe. The award ceremony takes place on Friday (08.04.2016), at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg, Germany’s largest theater.
The German weekly “Die Zeit” wrote: “The music world could learn a lot from the Perm Opera.”
Born in Greece in 1972, he started studying conducting in Athens at age 15 and was admitted to the St. Petersburg Conservatory when he was 22. He later became a naturalized Russian citizen.
In Russia, he’s celebrated as a kind of messiah of intellectual freedom – especially now that many of those freedoms seem threatened there due to state control and commercialization.
Αννα Τριανταφυλλοπούλου
-14/04/2016 4:12 pm
Είναι πραγματικά υπέροχος,σπουδαίος.Οι Γερμανοί ,που ξέρουν Μουσική ,αναγνωρίζουν την αξία του και δικαίως του απένειμαν αυτό το βραβείο.Καλή συνέχεια Θόδωρε!
Penny Rizos
-06/05/2016 2:21 pm
Σε θυμάμαι στη Μελοδραματική του Ωδείου με τα Εφτά Θανάσιμα Αμαρτήματα που το είχες προτείνει και είχε γίνει σουξέ, και μου είχες πει ότι θα φύγεις από την Ελλάδα και να που είσαι στα ύψη της μουσικής σου δουλειάς και ταλέντο. Μπράβο Θοδωρή!!!!