Guardian photographer of the year 2015 is Greek
This year the Guardian picture desk has chosen Yannis Behrakis of Reuters as the agency photographer of the year. Here are the most astonishing moments he captured in two of the biggest stories of 2015 – the refugee crisis and the financial implosion in his home country Greece.
“I have been covering refugees and migrants for over 25 years, but this year has been different: migrants are arriving in my homeland. A couple of boats came every night. Everybody aboard was scared because they didn’t know how the police and locals would react. Small dinghies kept on coming, even when the weather was rough. The Turkish coast is just 4-5 km away. The emotional impact of covering the refugee crisis is devastating. I have suffered from insomnia and nightmares, and felt guilty many times for not being able to do more. I have refugee blood myself – and I am a father” Behrakis said to Guardian.
Yannis Behrakis gave an interview to ellines.com team stating that:
“Through my photos, I try to make people think twice before pulling the trigger, metaphorically speaking. I also try to make people offer their money or lend a hand to the suffering or needy; and to realize how lucky they are to live in a country free of civil wars or hunger and to be grateful for what they have and try not to lose it. I’m happy I create photos that inspire people.”