Belgium: Graffiti art on conteiners about Ancient Greece
The graffiti duo Pichi & Avo traveled to Belgium for the North West Walls Street Art Festival. Pichi and Avo from Valencia, Spain, have recreated a series of characters from the Trojan War in their typical style mixing figures from Greek mythology and old school graffiti.
The event’s curator Arne Quinze, created a stacked structure of numerous shipping containers and gave the Spanish artists a perfect space to paint their Greek god masterpiece. North West Walls, an ambitious project, brings a new art experience to the Rock Werchter festival. North West Walls will be a shining example of landscape art that can be admired even while the festival is not on. It is a permanent installation. But then again, it isn’t. Because North West Walls will look different every year.
Arne Quinze is the curator of North West Walls. With his help and support five artists will bring the walls to life. He aims to give spectators a new view of their environment. For North West Walls, he conceived an architectural structure of shipping containers. The containers are stacked in an organic, but very deliberate way to create three towers. Technically this was no small feat, because never before have so many containers been stacked in such an apparently chaotic manner. Metal sheets on the containers make the walls truly workable and suitable for all kinds of artistic techniques.
The result is a radiant explosion of unrestrained spray art featuring their trademark style of Greek gods and lucid splashes of Mediterranean colors, all against a backdrop of graffiti.
“When they work together they create breathtaking figurative detail and quality,” said Quinze. “Their work is very striking and always commands the spectator’s full attention”.