Greek achievement in robotic surgery
Greek achievement in robotic surgery by Dr K. Konstantinidis and Team in Athens Medical Center held the world first da Vinci® Si HD Single-Site® Surgery (robotic colectomy) and omentum removal.
Classic surgery removal of part or the entire colon (colectomy) is a very large incision in the middle of the abdomen. This is because the surgeon should be able to make many delicate fine-tuning procedures in the abdomen so that the bowel is fully functional after surgery allowing patient to return soon to normal activities. Due to the large size of the incision, pain after surgery is severe and the physical recovery of the patient is delayed for several months.
“The aerospace robotics technology has fundamentally changed the way we deal colectomy so far,” said Dr. Konstantinos M. Konstantinidis, MD, PhD, FACS, Director General, Bariatric, Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery, Athens Medical Center and President of the Society of Robotic Surgery Southeastern Europe, presenting the first international robotic right-part colectomy and omentum removal (ie peritoneum belly membrane) through only one tiny 2.5 cm incision using da Vinci® Single-Site® Surgery system by Intuitive Surgical.
Method was presented by Dr Konstantinides at the invitation of the Organizing Committee of the European Scientific Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgery, the 14th World Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery – EAES, held in Paris in the period 25-28 June.
On the occasion of his lecture on “Robotic surgery through an incision,” Dr.. Konstantinides said on the sidelines of the Conference: “It’s peak for me and my colleagues to announce an international conference innovative, successful interventions minimally afflict their patients and allow them to return to their homes quickly and healthy. The aerospace robotics technology has changed the data of the surgical abdomen and makes us more alert after surgeons surgeons with high magnification and three-dimensional image. ”
Mr. V. Apostolopoulos, CEO of Athens Medical Group: “Through our partners top surgery, demonstrating a firm commitment Medical Group in innovation and scientific excellence. Dr Konstantinidis is a leading representative of Greek doctors abroad and our honor and great pleasure working with him all these years. ”
Surgery Key Points:
This impressive operation was performed late June 2014 at the Medical Center of Athens using the most sophisticated robotic system da Vinci® Si HD Single-Site® Surgery and followed live surgeons from around the world via the internet. The patient aged 56 years had findings of a suspicious mass in the right-part colon and Dr Konstantinidis as treating surgeon immediately right colectomy and epiploektomi using da Vinci® Si HD Single-Site® Surgery, robotics technology has only medical center in Greece and used by Dr Konstantinidis since 2011.’s Operation was bloodless, painless recovery and rapid and the patient was discharged since the 4th day, impressed!
eleni karakari
-22/01/2016 7:00 am
Syxaritiria elpizo na boroun na pragmatopoiounte kai ales epemvasis me aftin ti methodo
Kostas Liapis
-23/01/2016 1:26 am
Congrats Dr …Keep doing what you know best….Save life’s!!!
Happy Successful New Year With More Achievements!!!
-23/01/2016 1:13 pm
Συγχαρητήρια!!! Πρέπει να αναγνωρίζονται οι πρωτιές αυτές γιατί ώς τώρα τις…εξαφανίζουν! Και μάλιστα οι δικοί μας!!!… τουλάχιστον ο τομέας της αναίμακτης χειρουργικής με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, είναι προχωρημένος και αποδεκτός στο εξωτερικό αλλά ανεπιθύμητος στην Ελλάδα λόγω του τεράστιου κέρδους από το εμπόριο αίματος!!! (Αν και έχει αποδειχθεί παγκοσμίως ότι ο ασθενής αναρρώνει ταχύτατα χωρίς μετάγγιση) Ελπίζω να μην μείνει εκεί αυτή η εξέλιξη και επίσης να μην είναι για λίγους με οικονομική επιφάνεια όπως είναι τώρα… ενώ όλοι οι υπόλοιποι υποφέρουν σ’ ένα ράντζο σε άθλιες συνθήκες……
-24/01/2016 12:35 pm
Δυστυχως αυτες οι τεχνικες και οι νεες μεθοδοι χειρουργικης δεν θα υπαρξουν ποτε για τους πολλους στα Δημοσια νοσοκομεια. Η κατασταση θα επιδεινωνεται. Ειναι το μονο σιγουρο. Αρα μονο οι ασθενεις με οικονομικη επιφανεια και οσοι εχουν προνοησει να εχουν ενα ατομικο συμβολαιο υγειας σε σοβαρη ασφαλιστικη εταιρεια θα μπορουν να εχουν προσβαση και να σωζουν τη ζωη τους!