Greece among the 10 most popular tourist destinations
According to TripBarometer April 2014, which is the barometer of the traveler and is issued monthly by the popular website www.tripadvisor.com, Greece emerges among the top 10 destinations for travelers worldwide.
The top ten consists of America, Australia, Japan, Brazil, Russia, Morocco, Thailand, Caribbean, Austria and Greece.
According to the measurements the pessimism that existed, as a result of the global economical crisis, has reduced significantly, resulting in 21% of travelers planning to spend more than they spent last year.
Greece is in the top ten destinations travellers want to visit within the next 24 months, recording a substantial increase compared with previous measurements. It is as well, the top destination for Argentinians (39%). The Japanese also prefer trips that combine history and good food, which puts Greece on top 3 destinations.
The average traveler claims that experiencing authenticity and vacations involving visits to historical buildings has the strongest pull in attracting them to a destination, yet despite this, beach vacations are the most preferred type of trip. Greece meets both these criteria.