He promotes the “Innovation Made in Greece”
Vasilis Makios was born in Kavala in 31st of December in 1938. He received his diploma in Electrical Engineering from the University of Munich, West Germany in 1962 and his Ph.D (Dr. Ing.) from the Max Planck Institut fur Plasmaphysik Garching and the University of Munich in 1966.He was a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institut fur Plasmaphysik in Munich from 1962 to 1967.
He worked as an Assistant Professor from 1967 to 1970, as an Associate Professor from 1970 to 1973 and as a Professor in the Department of Electronics, at the Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada from 1973 to 1977, where he was involved in teaching and researching in the areas of microwave and optical telecommunications, radar technology, development of laser CO2. From 1977 he is Honorary Professor at Carleton University. In 1975 he was elected Professor and Director of the Laboratory of Theoretical Electrotechnics and Production at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, at the University of Patras, where he is involved in teaching and researching in microwave and optical communications networks, LAN, MAN, B-ISDN and ATM technology, with emphasis on manufacturing applications and prototypes. He was also involved in the research of the photovoltaic systems.
His laboratory is actively involved in European Union’s research programs of (ACTS & ESPRIT R & D projects, such as LION, DISTIMA, PANORAMA, COBUCO etc.). Since October 2000 he is the Project Manager of the Research Unit 7 (Communications & Embedded Systems) of the Research Academic Institute for Computer Technology. He has over 140 publications and holds numerous patents in these areas.
He participated in organizing committees of IEEE and European Conferences and he was the Technical Program Chairman of the 5th European Conference on Photovoltaics in Athens in 1983 and Co-Chairman in EURINFO 1988 Congress of the European Union. He holds the Silver (1985) and gold (1999) medal of the Verein Deutscher Elektotechnike (VDE). He is a member of IEEE, member of the Canadian Association of Physicists, the German Physical Society and the VDE, professional engineer of the Province of Ontario and the Greek Technical Chamber.
From 2003 to 2005 he was General Manager and Chairman of the Board of the Research Center of Athens, from 2003 to 2008 Director of the Institute of Industrial Systems and from 2005 until now he holds the position of the Vice Chairman at the Athena Research Centre and General Director of the Greek Department of Corallia Clusters Initiative.
What is Corallia ?
Corallia Cluster Initiative is an innovative and dynamic public-private partnership with the target of boosting competitiveness, entrepreneurship and innovation, through cluster-development support activities. It focuses on knowledge-intensive sectors, with a strong exports-orientation and using a novel «bottom-up» policy-making approach. Is the promotion of «Innovation Made in Greece» in knowledge intensive – high-tech – exports oriented segments, in order to fuel growth and boost competitiveness in business sectors where Greece can attain a world-wide competitive advantage, through the establishment of Innovation Clusters.