«Greeks can achieve excellence»
Demetrios Giatromanolakis is Faculty Associate in the Classics Department at the University Harvard, a Professor in the Department of Classical Studies, Anthropology Department and the Department of Humanities Research of Johns Hopkins University and Co-Director of the Research Program on Cultural Politics in the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs of Harvard. Among others it has been awarded the William F. Milton Award at Harvard University for his research on ancient science of harmony and acoustics. Speaking to ellines.com, Giatromanolakis says that Greece is «archeology, music, culture, images and sensations of ancient, medieval and modern Greek culture, ancient footpaths of Kea, Amorgos and Delos, Zagorohoria, Crete , Meteora, St. Achilles, landscapes and people with many opportunities and skills who can accomplish wonderful things if they work effectively together, which I unfortunately think they never do”.
ευα νικοπουλου
-29/05/2016 10:56 pm
Ελπίζω να μη σας χρειαστω ποτέ,αλλα εάν τύχη ελπίζω να καταφέρω να επικοινωνησω εύκολα μαζί σας!
-20/08/2019 8:40 pm
Ζήτω πληροφορίες για Λαδάς Γεώργιο
Anna Maria Bilidas
-21/08/2019 5:20 pm
Καλησπέρα σας, ευχαριστούμε για το μήνυμά σας. Δυστυχώς δεν έχουμε τον τρόπο να σας φέρουμε σε επικοινωνία με τον κ.Λαδά.