The Queen of web news content
Chairman of The Huffington Post Media Group, Arianna Huffington is internationally notorious thanks to her news website The Huffington Post. Guardian ranks Arianna at #42 of the most influential world’s media personas and she’s also named the Queen of Web News Content. She has been also named to Time Magazine’s list of the world’s 100 most influential people and the Forbes Most Powerful Women list.
Born Arianna Stasinopoulos on July 15th, 1950 in Greece, she grew up in Athens. Her father Constantine worked as a journalist and her mother took a loan to fund Andrianna’s academic career at Cambridge University and her sister’s studies at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London.
Upon finishing her academic education, she started her media career in BBC’s Face the music, next to London Times journalist Bernard Levin. She began authoring books in 1970 with editorial help of Levin, her life partner for ten years up to December 1980. Levin’s theory against marriage forced Arianna to end the relationship and relocate from London to New York. After his death, she wrote that Levin has been the love of her life. Among the books she wrote stand the biographies of Maria Callas and Pablo Picasso. In 1986, she married to millionaire republican politician Michael Huffington, but then divorced in 1997.
In 2003, Huffington failed to be elected as the Governor of California racing against republican Arnold Schwarzenegger. Later on, in 2005, Huffington Post came into Arianna’s life, successfully adding 25 million unique users per month to her portfolio and 30 million dollars to her income, by endorsing famous observers like Madonna, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton over the years.
In 2011, Huffington’s web site was bought out for the astronomic amount of $315 million. In the new organization chart of Huffington Post Media Group, she holds the positions of Chairman and CEO.
In a New York Times article, the Greek Chairman of Huffington Post Media Group wrote about the Greek crisis, “As I follow the modern Greek tragedy unfolding in Europe, I flash back to the 18 years I spent in Athens, walking to school in Plaka, on the same streets that have recently been filled with protesters and violent clashes. When I was growing up, my family was a tiny microcosm of the current Greek economy. We were heavily in debt”.
In 2012, the site won a Pulitzer Prize for national reporting.
She is the author of fourteen books. Her 14th book, Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder was published by Crown in March 2014 and debuted at #1 on the New York Times Bestseller list. On November 2014 the book was presented in Greek.
Γιουλη Καρουσακη
-04/05/2017 10:15 pm
Έχω διαβάσει δύο από τα βιβλία της και πραγματικά την λάτρεψα!! Ήμουν στο Λονδίνο τότε φοιτήτρια και διάβασα πρώτα αυτό που αναφερόταν στη βιογραφία της Μαρίας Κάλλας και μετά αυτό για τον Πικάσο. Θα ήθελα πάρα πολύ να την γνωρίσω γιατί έχει μία σφαιρική κουλτούρα που ταιριάζει με την δική μου. Μπράβο της και με την επιχειρηματική της δραστηριότητα και την προσωπικότητά της απέδειξε πως μια γυναίκα μπορεί να αλλάξει τον κόσμο προς το καλύτερο!!!