“Greece must invest in the future”
Famous Greeks

“Greece must invest in the future”

In 1983 the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) [2] offered him a permanent position in the Nuclear Physics division. Since then he has been an employee of the CEA, working in the domain of fundamental research in Nuclear Physics. From May 1985 to June 1986 he spent one year as a visiting scientist at the State University of New York at Stony Brook in the group led by Peter Braun Munzinger, Johanna Stachel and Peter Paul.
His early research interests in domains as different as compound nucleus reactions, statistical fluctuations, emission of high energy gamma rays, excitation of giant resonances in direct reactions, or the study of the excitation of the giant dipole resonance (GDR) in compound nucleus reactions,…. led him to participate in experiments performed in different laboratories like the tandem and the post-accelerated tandem of Saclay, the SATURN and the ALS accelerators at Saclay. During his stay at Stony Brook, he participated in experiments at the Stony Brook LINAC, and the Oak Ridge and MSU facilities. Later on, when he became interested in the study of the structure of exotic nuclei through either the study of direct reactions or fusion processes involving light exotic nuclei, he participated in experiments at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna (Russia) and at the GANIL national facility. Since 1990, he has mainly concentrated his efforts on experimental studies carried out at the GANIL accelerator.
From 2001 to 2007 he was the head of the Saclay Nuclear Physics division [3] and from 2007 up to the present time he has been the deputy director of the Institute of Research into the Fundamental laws of the Universe (IRFU) [4]. Since 2007, and in his capacity as deputy director of the Institute (IRFU), he has contributed to the everyday life of the institute in domains as diverse as its scientific policy, national and international relations, human resources, communication and documentation. In parallel, he is a member of the SPIRAL2 scientific council and editor of the European Physical Journal A. In 2009 he accepted the editorship of the on-line encyclopaedia Scholarpedia in the domain of nuclear physics and became scientific counsellor of the European program “CEA-Euro talents” in the domain of high energy physics and physics of the universe. In 2008 he was nominated “Research Director” by the CEA top management and in 2009 he was elected to membership of the GENCO (GSI exotic nuclei community).