Worthy continuer of the tradition of hand organ

Worthy continuer of the tradition of hand organ

This is the last and only manufacturer and melody printer of Laternas(Hand organ) in the Balkans. Anthony Nasiopoulos grew up in Plaka. Thus, childhood memories were closely associated with the Laterna. He acquired his first Laterna by Dimitri  Papamina who was an owner, he took the instrument for a service to Julio Armao, where he began learning the art of repairing and construction.

Some of the old Laternas are lined up in his house where he also keeps his small workshop. In 2001 he had a call from the Lotziano in Italy where a festival for automatic musical instruments was held. He carried his Laterna and participated in the festival. They were all impressed since they hadn’t seen or heard a Laterna for years. They even offered him an academic seat at the Universituy, to teach the art of manufacturing.

Today, only five artists continue playing Laterna in Greece and they are Nasiopoulos’ customers. As he says, depending on the musical tastes of the season, and according to the customer, more than 150 collectors have Laterna at home, rebetika and folk music are dominant in melody printing, while the rest are European tracks.