A first-generation Greek actor in Peru, and fan of C.P Cavafy

A first-generation Greek actor in Peru, and fan of C.P Cavafy

She is a first generation Greek. Her father Apostolos Kontos Papadopoulos, originated from Athens and had moved to Lima as a professor of economics at the University of the City. «My parents divorced when I was few months old so i lived with my father for so short time. But I kept Greek my surname. I met him for first time in Greece when I was 17 years old and there I saw my grandmother Nausica, and my aunt who had the same name as me «says Katia Condos to the Athens News Agency.

As she said, «my name is unique in Peru. Just I and my sister Phoebe have it. Searching the internet nevertheless, it struck me that in Greece there are many people having that surname. It is a strange feeling. My surname always struck and when i was a little girl children made fun out of me. In Spanish Kontos means: with two (Con dos). So they called me “with three”, Con-tres.

She is fanatical admirer of Cavafys and along with her husband Fernando Salaza, who is the most famous journalist in Peru, have dozens of library books by Greek philosophers. Her husband has studied philosophy and is an avid philhellene. Her daughter’s favorite blouse is one with the Greek flag and in the show she often introduces recipes for Greek food. «It’s wonderful to know that some of your roots come from the country that gave so much to world culture,» she says.

Katia Condos, won the Peruvian public through the television series. She is the protagonist in the film «4» showing very successfully in cinemas in Peru, and she introduces daily the show morning coffee on television in Peru.