The first Greek minister of France
A dynamic woman, an excellent surgeon-gynecologist in France, a Spartan woman with deep knowledge and love of her European “identity”, this is Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, the new minister in the Macron government in France . He was born in Sparta on May 7, 1976 and grew up in Kiato. He left Greece at the age of 18 to study medicine in Rome and then in Strasbourg.
“I was born in Greece, then I lived in Italy for 14 years, and for the past 12 years I have been living and working in France, I am married to a Frenchman. I am a child of Europe “, he had told Chrysoula Zacharopoulou. “I know what it means to be a European citizen, I know what Europe has given me, how much I owe to Europe and at the moment it is my duty to come forward and say that we Europeans are very fortunate to live in this part of the world that “There is democracy, there is peace,” she said in an earlier interview on the occasion of her election to the European Parliament. “France can teach lessons of democracy and open-mindedness, which is why I am with Emmanuel Macron. “I also wish the progressive forces in Greece to win,” she said at the time.
Chrysoula Zacharopoulou founded the “Info Endometriosis” Association in France a few years ago with the aim of informing and treating the disease that affects more than 11 million women in the world. At Chrysoula’s initiative, Info-Endometriosis has signed partnership agreements with the French Ministries of Education, Family and Women’s Rights and the French Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. These agreements have enabled the Union to promote endometriosis information programs in all universities and schools in France, as well as in hospitals and family planning associations. Her devotion to science and her sensitivity to women – and not only – make her particularly special. A few years ago she was honored with the Order of the Knight of the National Order of Value by François Hollande for her contribution to informing the society of the States and Institutions of the European Union on medical issues and especially in endometriosis.
In 2019 he was included in the European ballot of Macron’s LREM party and was elected. He also worked at the hospital one day a week with the European Parliament, Monde reported.
Her fellow MEPs describe her as a “humanist” while she says she is concerned about the xenophobia of the Right and the Far Right.
With the outbreak of the pandemic, he became co-chair of the COVAX mechanism, with which richer countries make available quantities of vaccines to developing ones. As she stressed in a 2021 interview at the Paris Match, “the effectiveness of our vaccination campaign will depend on vaccination in Africa, which is in our immediate neighborhood.”
During the years of the pandemic, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou returned to the practice of her medical profession to contribute to the screening of patients in a French military hospital.
“When you take the oath of Hippocrates, you do it forever, it is valid for your whole life. “During such a crisis, I could not stay home and just watch,” he said characteristically.
The portfolio he undertook in the Macron government concerns the Development, French and International Partnerships, which reports to the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
The new minister of the French government is married to a Frenchman and has been living in Paris for the last few years. Her deep love for Greece is almost always evident in her every public speech. She often visits her family in Sparta and beyond, highlighting the beauties of her place at every opportunity.