She identified the gene that causes childhood leukemia

She identified the gene that causes childhood leukemia

The geneticist biologist Elli Papaemmanouil lies behind the discovery of the relationship of the gene with blood cancer. As head of the research group, she discovered the gene that causes childhood leukemia. The conclusion of the research on myelodysplasia is that new, introspective jottings would facilitate the genetic screening mutation.

Born in Athens and having spent her life between London and Naples, Dr. Papaemmanouil decided to follow her academic career in the field of molecular genetics and resided to the UK to continue her studies in the University of Glasgow.

Pursuing a research career on cancer, she was granted a doctorate scholarship in London Cancer Research Institute, where she conducted a series of research on genetic diathesis for large intestine cancer and childhood leukemia and published on the identification of the first gene locus relating to increased risk of developing childhood leukemia.

Later on, Dr. Elli Papaemmanouil worked in the Wellcome Trust Sanger Genome Campus of Cambridge University, one of the leading genome research institutes in the world.



  Comments: 2

  1. Σοφία Χαλατσοπουλου

    Μπράβο στην Ελληνίδα επιστήμονα που μας κάνει υπερήφανους.Ο Θεός να την φωτίζει στο σπουδαίο της έργο.

  2. Pythagorasbg

    Οταν μια ΧΩΡΑ αξιοποιεί τους Αξιους είδου τα αποτελέσματα και δεν θεωρεί κουσουρι τον Αξιο όπως η Χώρα μάς

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