Created one of the largest publishing companies in the United States
Nicholas Karabots (Karabotsios) is the owner of one of the largest publishing companies in the United States, the “Kappa Media Group, Inc.”.
Karabots was born in 1934. His father was from Malandreni Argolidas in Greece and his mother from Anavryti Laconias in Greece. His parents migrated to the United States around 1914. Karabots was raised in the South Bronx of New York City and he attended the Greek-American Institute. In 1951 he completed the Bronx High School of Science.
From his early age, Nick Karabots, his brother and two sisters worked in order to provide for their family. He worked in many different places and in one of them he learned lithography. He then worked as a salesman in lithographic stores and managed to become manager in one of them. The company grew and so did his experience. In 1960, Karabots started his own company.
Since then, Karabots is self-employed and by now he is the owner of one of the largest publishing companies of the United States, the “Kappa Media Group, Inc.”. The company concentrates on adult puzzle books and magazines as well as children’s magazines and maps.
In 1990, Karabots founded “The Spartan Organization”. The organization provided management and legal services to the various Karabots affiliated companies including “Kappa Graphics, L.P.”, “Kappa Publishing Group, Inc.”, “Kappa Books” (a division of Kappa Graphics, L.P.), “AMREP Corporation” (AXR / NYSE), “Universal Map Group”, “LLC”, “Bendon Publishing International, Inc.”, “Jericho National Golf Club, Inc.” as well as other companies owned by Karabots that are involved in equipment and vehicle leasing, land development and real estate and vineyard production.
His other passion is the wine industry. In the mid-seventies, Karabots bought Brookside Farm, then the Oxmoore Estate and by combining a few other pieces of property, he created the “Karamoor Estate”. The name was from the first part of Karabots name and the second part of the Oxmoor Estate. In 2011, the winery opened and by now it has received many awards and is considered by many, one of the finest wineries.
In 2008, “Karabots Foundation”, a foundation he created to help the youth find a better future, gave $15 million to open a New Pediatric Care Facility in Norristown, Pennsylvania, in 2011, it gave $10 million to Franklin Institute and in 2014, $7.5 million to Einstein Medical Center Montgomery.
The Federation of Hellenic-American Societies of Philadelphia and Greater Delaware Valley awarded the 2016 Eleftheria Medal to Karabots and his wife Athena for their philanthropic contributions to society. This award is given to individuals that have established an outstanding lifetime commitment to Hellenism.
In a question what Hellenism means to him, he replied: “It is my home”.
Λάζαρος Τσόλκας
-07/04/2017 4:57 pm
Από το γέλιο του και μόνο, θα τον αναγνώριζα στο πλήθος ως γνήσιο Έλληνα! Πάντα επιτυχίες σε σένα και τα παιδιά σου!
Don Freggens
-24/03/2018 11:05 pm
I worked on his farm in the summers as a farm hand i guess. 1983-85. Hard work, taught me alot. Not just about farm equipment but working. Honest wrok for honest pay. A really nice, nice man. And his family. Ive such fond memories of that farm. Thank you, Mr. K. Great Man! Great times.
Anna i Mariusz
-05/11/2020 11:03 pm
Pracowaliśmy na Karamoor Farm ponad 1.5 roku na przełomie 2003 i 2004. Urodziła nam się tam nasza córka Ada. To było piękne miejsce z bardzo dobrymi ludzmi. Często wspominamy i serdecznie pozdrawiamy Państwa K. Pozdrowienia z Polski.