Director of the Tilburg Law and Economics Center
Panagiotis Delimatsis is Professor of European and International Trade Law at Tilburg University. He is Director of the Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC), an interdisciplinary Center of Excellence, the biggest of its kind in Europe, studying the governance of economic activity.
He leads the research cluster ‘Finance, Trade and Investment’ within the TILEC Research Programme 2012-2017 and co-leads TILEC’s work on standardization, competition and innovation. He studied law in Greece, Germany and Switzerland. In the academic year 2015-16, he was a visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School and a Fellow with the Program on International Financial Systems, on research leave from Tilburg University.
In December 2016, he was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant (2 million Euros), the most prestigious mid-level personal grant at the EU level, for his research project on the resilience of non-State regulatory bodies and the role of the law.
His research focuses on the comparative regulation of services industries, issues of transnational governance and the regulation of international trade. Currently, he is interested in the institutional and substantive aspects of standardization, financial regulation and energy, using interdisciplinary methods.
He is the author of ‘International Trade in Services and Domestic Regulations – Necessity, Transparency, and Regulatory Diversity’ (International Economic Law Series, Oxford University Press, 2007). He also co-edited two collective volumes, the first on ‘The Prospects of International Trade Regulation’ (Cambridge University Press, 2011) and the second on ‘Financial Services at the Crossroads – Implications for Supervision, Institutional Design and Trade’ (Kluwer Law International, 2011). His most recent work on ‘The Law, Economics and Politics of International Standardization’ was published by Cambridge University Press in 2015.
He has been teaching on topics relating to EU trade law, EU external relations and WTO law for more than ten years and he welcomes PhD proposals relating to the WTO institutional and regulatory aspects, the interaction between the EU and the WTO, and the regulation of services industries particularly in relation to the EU internal market.