The first female minister of Greek descent in Australia
Jenny Mikakos, became Minister for Families and Children and Minister for Youth Affairs in Australia.
“I’m honoured to be the first Greek-Australian female Minister,” said Mikakos.
She has been a Labor Party Member of the Victorian Parliament since 1999, firstly as the Member for Jika Jika Province and since 2006, as the Member for Northern Metropolitan Region.
Between December 2010 and November 2014, Mikakos held a number of Shadow Ministerial portfolios including Seniors & Ageing and Youth Justice from December 2010, Children from February 2012 and Community Services which included Youth Justice from December 2013.
From 2007 until November 2010, she was Parliamentary Secretary for Planning.
From 2002 till 2007 Mikakos was Parliamentary Secretary for Justice.
Jenny Mikakos grew up in Northcote as the daughter of a migrant working class family and was educated in local schools.
Jenny obtained Arts and Law degrees from the University of Melbourne.
She began her involvement in politics as the youngest ever municipal Councillor elected to Northcote Council. Before being elected to Parliament, she was a solicitor for a number of prominent national legal and accounting firms.
Jenny Mikakos has been a member of Amnesty International for more than 20 years.