The Greek doctor leads the way to the cure of vitiligo
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The Greek doctor leads the way to the cure of vitiligo

The discovery of a Greek dermatologist for natural substances leads to the treatment of vitiligo. The dermatologist- pharmatologist Dr. Panagiotis Tsogkas created a medicine that cures the incurable disease called vitiligo. Vitiligo concerns the 1-2% of Earth’s population.

He started his study 20 years ago at his dispensary in Kozani where he taught his first lessons from the best scientists. Recently, he patented his invention, he opened a clinic in Athens and very soon he will open more clinics for the treatment of vitiligo in Europe.

“I started from Kozani and I have to go as far away as I can, as for me the treatment of vitiligo is the goal of my life,” Dr. Tsogkas said.

This disease affects both men and women, regardless of the skin’s prototype or the race and also it can appear at any age. The vitiligo disease usually appears in individuals who also have other autoimmune diseases such as thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, alopecia areata, megaloblastic anemia etc. The incidence of the disease ranges from 0.1% to 2% of Earth’s populations, excluding areas with genetic and environmental effects such as (humidity, temperature, sunlight) where the disease range reaches 8.8% such as India and South America.

Researchers have found out that the 20%-38% of vitiligo disease patients have first and second degree relatives suffering from the same disease. The genetic data show multifactorial – gene heredity which does not follow Mendel’s laws and is caused by an anomaly which change the synthesis and distribution of melanin or changes melanosome’s biology. The exact cause of vitiligo still remains unclear.

The dermatological treatment is made by officinal formula and it is an individual treatment. These medicines are made from raw materials just like in the industry, but the drug is made exclusively for the specific patient and for the specific point of the body which has the problem. The coordinated collaboration between the doctor and the pharmacist increases the improvement of the therapeutic efficacy.

The raw materials are substances of nature’s pharmacy which according to old and recent researches promote the effectiveness of the drugs. These substances increase the antioxidant capacity of the immune system neutralizing and free radicals which is considered as a key to the vitiligo’s treatment. Such substances are curcumin, capsaicin, black pepper, linoleum, etc.


  Comments: 3

  1. Αναστασία

    Ζωντανό παράδειγμα ο Κυριος Τσιογκας οτι δεν πρέπει να εγκαταλειπουμε την προσπάθεια όσο χρόνο και αν χρειαστεί να επιτύχουμε τον στόχο .θα χαρισει με αυτην την υπομονη το χαμόγελο σε πολλά άτομα ελπίζω να ειμαι και εγω ένα από αυτά τα άτομα .Συγχαρητήρια!

  2. Παύλος Μελας

    Από παιδάκι 10 ετών με το πρόβλημα της “λεύκης των άκρων”.. Πέρασα άσχημα εφηβικά χρόνια με το κόμπλεξ της λεύκης, μια ζωή με τα χέρια στις τσέπες για να κρύψω την λεύκη.. Εύχομαι πραγματικά οι προσπάθειες και η επιμονή του κ. Τσόγκα
    να απαλλάξει από αυτό το “στίγμα” ειδικά τους νέους και τις νέες..Συγχαρητήρια κύριε Τσόγκα!!

  3. Χριστίνα Ξυδιά

    Υποφέρω απο τη λεύκη από την ηλικία των 10 ετών.Σε πολύ μικρό βαθμό σε αυτή την ηλικία .Τώρα πια είμαι 38 η λεύκη έχει εξαπλωθεί σε όλο το σωμα και αναρωτιέμαι αν γίνεται κάτι πέρα απο αυτο που λένε όλοι:ζήσε με αυτό.Δεν δέχομαι ότι το 2017 που η επιστήμη έχει κάνει γιγάντια βήματα και πλέον θεραπεύονται οι μέχρι τώρα ανίατες ασθένειες να μην υπάρχει μια θεραπεία για εμάς που αντιμετωπίζουμε αυτο το πρόβλημα.Ελπιζω ο κύριος Τσόγκας να έχει βρει τη λύση.Θα βoηθήσει πολύ κόσμο!!!!